Page 69 - Social Media Marketing
P. 69
Stop Hunting, Start Farming 49
All of the information you gather can come in handy later. In
Chapter 8, I describe a sales technique that I call my Hour of Power,
in which I call 100 clients in 60 minutes. Before I place a call, I look
up the client's information, so I can ask about his partner, his kids,
his job, or something else that is important to him. This gives every
contact I make a more personal touch and shows my clients that I
am really interested in what is going on in their lives.
Keep in Touch
A relationship is like a bicycle: You have to keep peddling to keep
it moving forward. Maintaining a relationship may not require a
great deal of energy, but it does require some regular attention. You
can keep in touch with your clients in any number of ways. Here
are some suggestions:
• E-mail clients regularly with information, tips, and reminders
that can help them become more successful. (Always provide
some way for them to opt out of receiving e-mail
you don't end up becoming a spammer.)
• Send cards or letters to clients with an inspirational or infor-
mative note-something of value.
• Call your clients on a regular basis, as suggested in Chapter 8.
• Send or drop off a gift at your client's home or place of business,
whichever is most appropriate.
When keeping in touch with clients, avoid trying to sell them
anything. Your purpose is to keep your name and face fresh in
their minds, so when they are in the market for what you sell, they
immediately think of you rather than some other salesperson.
Give Memorable Gifts
When you give people memorable gifts, they tend to remember you
as well as the gift. The first gift you should present to someone is
your business card. For people who already have your business