Page 70 - Social Media Marketing
P. 70

50 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

card, I recommend giving them one of the following:

   • Your brochure
   • An inspirational book
   • A personalized thank-you card
   • Flowers or a small plant
   • A gift card
   • Good deeds

   Do not follow the advice of giving to get. Give for the sheer joy of
giving, and expect nothing in return. When you expect something
back, you set yourself up for disappointment and feelings of resent-
ment. When you give for the sheer joy of giving, you feel good,
regardless of whether you receive something back in return.

Support Your Communities

Depending on how you define community, you can be involved
in several communities, including your family, neighborhood, city,
state, nation, professional organizations, online communities (such
as MySpace), and a host of others. People in all of these communities
are prospective clients, and by becoming involved with them, you
gain recognition and can earn credibility and trust:

   • Volunteer your services. Do not be merely a member or some-
      one who writes checks. Participate.

   • Take a leadership role. When you are a leader, members want
      to meet you.

   • Deliver speeches and presentations. This raises your profile in
      the community and opens you to new opportunities.

   • Contribute articles to the community's newsletters, blogs, web
      sites, and other publications. Get published!

When you are well-established in a community, clients feel com-
fortable buying from you. Trust sells.
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