Page 76 - Social Media Marketing
P. 76
56 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman
• Clients from this generation tend to avoid complexity, so
keep things simple. Stress simplicity, ease of use, service, and
• Speak and act conservatively so as not to insult their
• Don't waste their time with small talk-get down to business.
• Risk assessment is likely to playa role in their purchase deci-
sions, so address the risks both of purchasing and not purchas-
ing the product or service.
• Be on time and be prepared to work hard to gain your client's
respect and business.
• Give your clients permission to spend their money. They
earned it and now have every reason to enjoy the fruits of
their labor.
• Avoid making comments about their age or referring to them
as seniors.
Although members of the Silent Generation may not have grown
up with technology, do not assume that all of them are techno-
logically illiterate. Some may prefer to communicate with you
via e-mail, and they may even shop for products and services
Baby Boomers: 1946-1964
Baby Boomers collectively form what is commonly referred to as
the Me Generation. This does not necessarily mean that they are all
narcissists, caring only for themselves, although that is certainly
part of it. What it means is that instead of relying on what the
establishment has told them, they are generally more skeptical and
rely on their own perceptions. They don't trust the establishment,
even though more and more of them are becoming part of it.
Having a clear sense of the Boomers' worldview can help you in
your efforts to market and sell products and services to them. When