Page 92 - Social Media Marketing
P. 92
72 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman
Train Them, Then Trust Them
Before you hire assistants, you should already have a game plan in
place to train them. Create a procedures manual for each job title
with complete step-by-step instructions on how to perform each
task. These manuals should be written so clearly that an alien from
another planet could pick up the manual and perform any task
required. If you don't have the time or skills to create high-quality
procedures manuals, consider hiring a technical writer on contract.
In addition, teach new hires your trade lingo. In my business,
we refer to for-sale-by-owner homes as FSBOs (pronounced jizz-bas).
Your new assistant won't have a clue what most of these terms
mean unless you take the time to explain the vocabulary. Consider
having one or more of your assistants accompany you to tradeshows
or annual conventions. Other salespeople may think you are being
wildly extravagant for paying so many people to come with you,
but the money your assistants earn for you with the knowledge they
acquire should more than cover the cost.
Tip: When you hire new assistants, let them shadow you for
at least a couple of days even before you train them. This will
allow them to observe what you do and give them a better idea
of where their own work will fit in. They may also catch a little of
your intensity. When you eventually get around to training them,
everyone will have a better idea what their roles should be.
Once you have fully trained new hires, trust them to do the job
you hired and trained them to do. Give them real responsibility.
I let my assistants feel that they have a real say in what happens
around here. In fact, I tell my assistants to handle any problems as
best they can without coming to me. I don't even want to hear about
a problem unless it's absolutely necessary, because it will just bring
me down emotionally. I'm an upbeat person, and I don't appreciate
anyone bringing me down unnecessarily.
Don't make what is probably the biggest mistake that most sales-
people make with their assistants. You didn't hire them just to