Page 97 - Social Media Marketing
P. 97

78 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

   In addition, I was now much happier. I was doing what I
loved to do, and someone else was taking care of everything I
disliked about my job. Now, as soon as I sell a house, I sim-
ply call back to the office, and someone else starts preparing the
paperwork. I have applied this concept time after time to ex-
pand my business by adding new divisions. I highly recommend
this approach to anyone seeking success when selling just about

                Breaking Everything You Do into Steps

In my industry, as no doubt in yours, there are many little steps that
must take place in a transaction. When a house is sold, credit needs
to be checked, the home needs to be inspected, and a closing date
needs to be scheduled. If I had to do my main job-working with
buyers and sellers-and do all that other stuff, I couldn't possibly
handle the volume I do. Therefore, I hire top-notch assistants to
help me, and I create the systems-the paperwork flow-so that
everything runs like clockwork.

   With systems-based selling, you create procedures that cover every
step in the process, break the procedures into tasks, break the tasks
into steps, and then hire personnel and start delegating the work:

   1. Do a step-by-step analysis of each process in your busi-
       ness, from prospecting to closing the deal to identifying

   2. Reduce each procedure into a series of tasks. You may even
       want to create a checklist for each task to make sure it is com-
       pleted properly.

   3. Write step-by-step instructions for each task.
   4. Delegate the work to one or more of your assistants.

   In the following sections, I cover each of these steps in greater
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