Page 99 - Social Media Marketing
P. 99

80 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

   Breaking procedures into tasks enables your assistants to execute
the procedures with very little room for error. It also allows you to
break things down, so they don't seem so overwhelming.

Break Tasks into Steps

Break each task into steps. You may even want to illustrate the
steps. For example, you may include in your training manual one
or two sample letters to clients, so a new hire has a model letter for

   Don't forget to include Yes/No decision steps. Your assistant
may have to make a decision at some point in the process, and then
follow one set of instructions if the answer is Yes and a different set
of instructions if the answer is No.

Delegate the Work

Once your procedures are in place and you have one or more assis-
tants, as discussed in Chapter 6, "Hiring Your First Assistant," you
can start focusing on what you do best and delegating the rest.
Delegating becomes a matter of simply finding something that
needs to be done and handing it off to the person most qualified
and best trained to accomplish the task.

   Now you have no excuse for not having enough time to "get
around to it." Do it, delegate it, or ditch it.

                   Tracking Transactions: A Case Study

I'm naturally disorganized. That is, my brain is hardwired to be
disorganized. I received my official diagnosis of having ADHD just
prior to my 48th birthday. One of my assistants mentioned her
concerns to a client of mine who happens to specialize in this field.
My client replied that in order to gain a professional opinion, she
would need to perform a series of tests, but based on her experience,
she would say that "it is as clear as the nose on your face." After
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