Page 191 - The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
P. 191


                BEAT	FEAR

F ear	will	make	you	do	nutty	things.	One	of 	my	greatest	fears	in	life	used	to	be
      dying	 in	 a	 fiery	 plane	 crash.	 When	 I	 had	 to	 get	 on	 a	 plane,	 I	 used	 to	 be	 a
complete	 weirdo.	 I	 had	 all	 these	 superstitions	 about	 flying.	 First,	 I	 would	 scan	 the
boarding	 area	 looking	 for	 women	 with	 small	 babies,	 men	 or	 women	 in	 uniform,
priests,	 nuns,	 wheelchairs,	 off-duty	 pilots	 catching	 a	 ride	 home,	 or	 just	 generally
kind-looking	people.	Then,	I	would	tell	myself 	that	God	wouldn’t	let	the	plane	go
down	 with	 these	 nice	 folks	 onboard.	 That	 would	 assuage	 me	 until	 I	 got	 on	 the
plane.	 Then	 every	 bump	 or	 sound	 the	 plane	 made	 on	 the	 taxi	 out	 to	 the	 runway
made	my	heart	race	and	chest	tighten.

    Take	off 	was	the	worst.	By	the	time	the	wheels	left	the	tarmac,	I	was	usually	in
a	full	state	of 	panic.	I’d	close	my	eyes	and	visualize	an	explosion,	terrorists,	my	row
getting	sucked	out	of 	the	plane,	or	the	plane	just	dropping	from	the	sky.	I’d	squeeze
the	 arm	 rest	 and	 could	 barely	 breathe.	 If 	 the	 captain	 spoke	 to	 us	 over	 the
loudspeaker	my	fear	index	would	cut	in	half.	I	didn’t	relax	until	the	seat	belt	lights
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