Page 192 - The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
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turned	off,	which	was	my	sign	that	the	pilots	believed	it	was	safe	to	move	about	the
cabin.	 In	 my	 mind,	 this	 meant	 that	 the	 immediate	 threat	 of 	 death	 by	 plane	 crash
was	over.

    I	 cured	 myself 	 of 	 my	 fear	 of 	 flying,	 using	 the	 #5SecondRule	 and	 a	 specific
form	of 	anxiety	reappraisal	that	I	call	“anchor	thoughts.”	And	you	can	use	the	Rule
the	 exact	 same	 way	 with	 any	 fear.	 Zahara	 did	 so	 with	 her	 fear	 of 	 flying	 “and	 it

    Here’s	how	I	did	it.	It’s	the	same	technique	that	I	spoke	about	to	Zahara.

Create	an	Anchor	Thought

    First,	 before	 any	 trip,	 I	 come	 up	 with	 my	 “anchor	 thought.”	 This	 is	 a	 thought
that	is	relevant	to	the	trip	that	I	am	taking	and	will	anchor	me	if 	fear	sets	in.	I	start
by	thinking	about	the	trip,	where	I	am	flying	to,	and	what	I	am	excited	to	do	once	I
get	there.

    If 	I	am	heading	to	see	friends	in	Driggs,	Idaho,	my	anchor	thought	might	be
climbing	 Table	 Top	 mountain.	 If 	 I’m	 traveling	 home	 to	 Michigan,	 I	 might	 think
about	the	moment	we	pull	into	the	driveway	of 	my	parents’	house	and	my	kids	run
out	of 	the	car	to	hug	my	folks	or	of 	taking	a	nice	walk	along	Lake	Michigan	with
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