Page 110 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 110


Shooting Semi-Pro

     As you learned in the previous chapter, the easiest and
     most affordable way to create a YouTube video is to use
     a computer webcam. But webcam video is low quality
     and limiting, not ideal for most business uses. How, then,
     can you shoot a more professional-looking YouTube video
     without spending the bucks for truly professional produc-
     For many businesses, the best bang for the buck comes
     from using consumer-grade video equipment, but in a pro-
     fessional manner. We’re talking the kinds of video cam-
     corder you can find at your local Best Buy or Circuit City,
     augmented by sophisticated video-editing software and
     the appropriate accessories. The resulting videos can look
     almost identical to professionally made videos, but with-
     out expensive professional involvement.
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