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C h a p t e r 1 6 Establishing Your YouTube Channel  181

   Figure 16.1 A typical YouTube channel page.


        To subscribe to your channel, all a viewer has to do is go to your channel
        page and click the Subscribe button.

Personalizing Your Channel Page

   Because a YouTube channel page is really a profile page, you want to customize
   your page to reflect your business’s image and brand. It’s easy to do.
   As for creating your channel page, there’s nothing to do; YouTube creates a profile
   page for you when you subscribe to the site. The default channel page is a little
   bland, however, which is why you should customize it.
   To personalize your channel page, click the down arrow next to your user name at
   the top of any YouTube page, then select My Channel. This displays your current
   channel page, with a group of editing buttons aligned along the top. Click each but-
   ton to edit specific things about your channel page: Settings, Themes and Colors,
   Modules, and Videos and Playlists.
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