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P. 282


Revenues from
Your YouTube

     By this point in reading this book, you’re no doubt con-
     vinced of the value of adding YouTube videos to your
     online marketing mix. But how, exactly, can you turn
     those videos into cash? How can you monetize the
     YouTube channel?

     Probably the most common way to realize the revenue-
     generating potential of a YouTube video is to use it to
     drive direct sales of your company’s products or services.
     The goal is to convert viewers into paying customers as
     quickly and as directly as possible.

     Doing so requires a three-step process. First, you have to
     create a video with unique value, something that attracts
     viewers. Second, that video has to effectively (if subtly)
     promote your product and direct potential customers to
     your regular website. Last, your website has to offer your
     product or service for sale, enabling interested customers
     to finalize the purchase.

     Let’s look at all three steps.
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