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C h a p t e r 2 4 Generating Revenues from Your YouTube Videos               265

In any case, the most important element on the product landing page is the click-
to-order button. Don’t make the customer do a lot of work; make it easy to click
one button to initiate the order process.

When the customer clicks the order button, she can move to your site’s normal
shopping cart or checkout section. For tracking purposes, make sure that you credit
to your YouTube video any orders flowing from the specific product landing page.


Don’t forget to suggest add-on or accessory sales to your new customer—
ideally on the page immediately following the initial product landing page.

The Big Picture

   Given that you can’t sell products directly from your YouTube videos, there are ways
   to use those videos to generate revenues. For many sellers, the right approach is to
   direct customers from your video to a product landing page on your own website.
   This lets you convert viewers to purchasers—and you get to keep all the revenue!
   The key is to create a video that combines valuable content with a subtle selling
   message, much the way a good infomercial does; just make sure you include lots of
   pointers from your video (and its text description) to your website’s URL.

   Of course, not all companies want or need their YouTube videos to generate direct
   revenue. The best company videos work to build the company’s brand and provide
   added promotion for the products and services the company sells. That’s the magic
   of YouTube; with every viewer, you broaden your customer base. And it all happens
   at a relatively low cost.

   That combination of efficiency and effectiveness makes YouTube an ideal market-
   ing channel for even the smallest companies. In fact, YouTube is a great equalizer; a
   little guy can easily compete with the big guys without going broke.

   Just remember to think like the customer. Create videos that offer unique value—
   that entertain, inform, or educate. Viewers will flock to useful and entertaining
   videos, as long as there’s no hard sell involved. Offer value and sell subtly; that’s the
   key to YouTube business success!
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