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Chapter 3 Creating Informative Videos  39

For example, if you’re selling a complex or expensive product or service, your cus-
tomers might need information about what that product or service offers before
they can commit to a purchasing decision. If you’re in a complex, controversial, or
fast-paced industry, your customers might need information about what’s happen-
ing globally before they can get comfortable with you as a player within that indus-
try. If your company itself is fast changing, or if you’re a relatively new player, your
customers might need information about you before they can get comfortable with
the thought of doing business with you.

What’s important, then, is to determine what you can do to help your customers get
comfortable and enthusiastic about purchasing whatever it is you’re selling. Provide
information that people are looking for, that is unique and uniquely presented, and
that is truly useful, and the customers you’re targeting will seek you out. Present
uninteresting, useless drek in a predictable fashion, and no one will care.

It’s all about becoming an authority, by presenting authoritative information. When
people want or need particular information, they want to be able to trust that infor-
mation. They want to trust that the information is accurate, and trust that it will
answer the questions or solve their problems. After they trust the information you
present, that trust is transferred onto your product, brand, or company. And that
sort of trust creates some very loyal customers.

Different Types of Informative Videos

   What exactly, then, is an informative video? In a self-defining sort of way, it’s a
   video that contains relevant and useful information—news or facts about an impor-
   tant topic.

   Most often, an informative video is the YouTube equivalent of a newscast, with you
   (or your spokesperson) acting as reporter or anchorman, presenting the latest news
   about your company or industry or underlying technology or overall economy or
   whatever. In this instance, information equals news—news of interest to your cus-
   tomers, that is.

   Alternately, an informative video might function as a video brochure, presenting in-
   depth information about you or your products. With this type of informative video,
   what’s key is the information you present. In this instance, information equals
   facts—about your company, your products, or your industry.

   Let’s look at each type of informative video separately.

Information = News

   This type of informative video most closely resembles a news report. That is, you or
   someone on your team (it can even be your president or CEO) sits in front of a
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