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42 P a r t I Marketing Your Business Online with YouTube


        Learn more about shooting a video in Chapter 9, “Shooting Semi-Pro

Producing a Video Newscast

   When it comes to producing a newscast-like informative video, think “talking
   head.” It’s the same approach taken by local television news broadcasts: one, some-
   times two people sitting in front of the camera and reading a script, like the video
   from Harris Dental (, shown in
   Figure 3.2.

   Figure 3.2 A simple talking head video from Dr. Joseph Harris of Harris Dental.

   Let’s take this kind of video at its most basic—a newscaster reading a script. That
   means you need to write a script. You can’t depend on your on-air talent to impro-
   vise the entire video; this is not the time or place to be “winging it.”
   A script is important for a number of reasons. First, when you stick to a script,
   you’re assured of covering all the points you want to cover; without a script, it’s easy
   to forget something you meant to talk about. Second, sticking to a script ensures
   that you don’t mention things you don’t want to mention; again, without a script, it’s
   easy to veer off the desired path or simply say the wrong thing. A script keeps you
   on track.
   A script is also important if you decide to get a little fancy with your video. A basic
   newscast videos is a one-camera, newscaster-looking-directly-at-the-lens sort of
   thing. But that gets boring to viewers. You want to follow in the footsteps of profes-
   sional newscasts and have the newscaster talking to multiple cameras. Maybe she
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