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Lisa Shepherd

“call to arrange a sales presentation” or “click here to register
for our webinar” will lead prospects in the right direction.

Sign-Up Forms

Much like calls to action, every page of your website should
feature an invitation for visitors to become prospects. It is
possible to gather valuable information about who is visiting
your site by asking for a few basic details before visitors can
access certain types of high-level content.

For example, introductory information, such as product listings
and data sheets, may be freely accessible. More complex
content, such as technical specifications or proprietary
white papers, may merit registration. Ask only for the basic
information—first name, last name, company, and email.

Share Buttons

Are your pages easy for users to share? Every page should
have embedded widgets that enable readers to e-mail,
bookmark, Tweet, Google+1, or Facebook “Like” your page.
These buttons typically appear at the bottom of the content
and are simple to add to a template.

Downloadable Content

Downloadable documents are vital for B2B company websites,
but your existing print media may be difficult to transfer
online. The solution to this is two-fold: first, convert existing
print collateral into a digital format and second, ensure that
all future marketing collateral is designed with both print and
web in mind.

The best way to make your print material web friendly is to
convert it to PDF files using Adobe Acrobat®. PDF files are
standard on the web, and almost every computer has a PDF
reader (such as Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader) that allows


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