Page 149 - The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business -
P. 149

Looking	ahead	to	seasonal	opportunities	and	beginning	to	work	on
      appropriate	content	plans.
      Developing	content	plans	that	feature	a	variety	of	hygiene,	hub,	and	hero

   These	 are	 just	 a	 few	 of	 the	 ideas	 you	 can	 begin	 working	 on	 now.	 Start
developing	your	plan	today	and	put	the	Content	Code	to	use!

     Content	ignition	and	implications	for	business

When	I	was	starting	out	in	business,	my	company	required	me	to	produce	a	five-
year	 sales	 strategy	 every	 year.	 What	 you	 see	 how	 fast	 business	 changes	 today,
that	sort	of	long-term	planning	seems	useless,	doesn’t	it?	Undoubtedly,	the	pace
of	 change	 is	 going	 to	 increase	 even	 more	 and	 instead	 of	 looking	 at	 strategy
planning	 as	 an	 obstacle	 you	 have	 to	 overcome	 every	 year,	 I’d	 like	 you	 to	 think
about	your	marketing	and	ignition	strategy	as	a	continuous	process.

   A	 more	 useful	 model	 for	 your	 content	 strategy	 might	 be	 represented	 by	 an
American	football	game.	In	that	sport,	a	primary	method	of	advancing	down	the
field	 is	 to	 hand	 the	 ball	 to	 a	 strong	 and	 swift	 player	 called	 a	 running	 back.	 The
idea	is	to	create	a	“hole”	in	the	defense	so	the	running	back	can	take	advantage
of	 the	 opportunity	 to	 sprint	 through	 a	 pack	 of	 opponents	 and	 pick	 up	 as	 much
ground	 as	 possible	 before	 the	 competition	 eventually	 swarms	 and	 stops	 the

   Before	 the	 game,	 the	 team	 has	 an	 over-arching	 vision	 of	 what	 needs	 to	 be
accomplished	to	win,	but	adjustments	are	made	continually	throughout	the	game.
In	fact,	after	each	play,	the	team	regroups	to	consider	where	another	hole	might
be	created.	Their	strategy	flows.

   This	 is	 how	 you	 need	 to	 think	 about	 business	 strategy	 today.	 As	 long	 as
you’re	 in	 the	 game,	 you	 need	 to	 be	 looking	 for	 holes,	 or	 points	 of	 strategic
leverage.	 You	 need	 to	 charge	 through	 those	 holes	 as	 fast	 as	 you	 can	 and	 gain
ground	until	the	competition	figures	it	out	and	closes	in	on	you,	whether	that’s	a
few	months	or	a	few	years.

   Meanwhile	 …	 even	 as	 this	 is	 happening	 …	 you	 need	 to	 be	 looking	 for	 the
next	 hole,	 the	 next	 point	 of	 leverage.	 Plotting	 a	 strategy	 becomes	 a	 continuous
flow	 as	 new	 research,	 new	 platforms,	 new	 ignition	 opportunities,	 and	 new
content	 forms	 create	 opportunistic	 points	 of	 leverage.	 Like	 the	 running	 back
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