Page 22 - The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business -
P. 22

to	scratch	out	a	presence,	it	seems	that	no	amount	of	work	gets	us	noticed.	How
do	we	crack	this	code?”

   Indeed.	What	IS	THE	CODE?
   Others	 were	 beginning	 to	 uncover	 clues	 to	 this	 formula,	 too.	 My	 friend
Marcela	 DeVivo,	 an	 SEO	 specialist,	 business	 owner,	 and	 blogger	 in	 Los
Angeles,	expressed	a	similar	frustration	with	her	content	failures:

      “I	wrote	a	post	about	social	media	audits	and	published	it	on	my	blog.
      It	 received	 no	 comments	 or	 social	 activity	 AT	 ALL.	 I	 later	 submitted
      the	 exact	 same	 piece	 to	 the	 Social	 Media	 Today	 website.	 It	 was
      tweeted	hundreds	of	times	and	I	also	had	some	great	responses	across
      the	blogosphere.

      So	 much	 for	 great	 content.	 It’s	 the	 exact	 same	 article,	 but	 since	 my
      blog	doesn’t	have	authority	or	community,	it	wouldn't	have	been	found
      or	read	regardless	of	the	quality	of	my	work.

      I	think	at	this	point	the	focus	has	to	move	from	content	creation	toward
      the	idea	of	building	community,	developing	strategies	to	distribute	the
      content,	and	marketing	to	promote	every	piece.”

   Marcela	hit	on	some	more	suspicions	that	point	to	the	elusive	Content	Code:
Regardless	 of	 quality,	 content	 marketing	 success	 must	 also	 include	 community,
distribution,	and	promotion.

                    The	Mirabeau	miracle

Consider	 one	 more	 example	 that	 points	 to	 the	 secrets	 to	 content	 marketing
success	in	an	information	dense	world.

   A	 few	 years	 ago,	 I	 was	 approached	 by	 a	 friendly	 fellow	 named	 Stephen
Cronk	for	help	on	a	new	marketing	strategy.	Here’s	a	summary	of	his	story:

      He	left	his	corporate	job	in	London	and	moved	his	family	to	the	Provence
      region	of	France.
      In	the	teeth	of	a	recession	and	with	no	previous	winemaking	experience,	he
      started	a	new	winery	called	Mirabeau.
      He	had	600	established	competitors—and	that	was	just	in	Provence!

   This	was	a	tough	assignment,	but	I	do	love	a	challenge,	and	most	important,	I
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