Page 20 - The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business -
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   The	Content	Code	is	one	of	the	answers	to	that	question.
   This	book	starts	where	great	content	ends.	There	are	enough	books	out	there

touting	 the	 need	 for	 amazing	 content.	 That’s	 a	 given.	 But	 epic	 content	 simply
earns	 a	 seat	 at	 the	 table	 today.	 The	 real	 power	 only	 comes	 to	 those	 who	 can
create	 content	 that	 connects,	 engages,	 and	 moves	 through	 the	 network	 through
social	sharing.

   Research	 firm	 eMarketer	 reports	 that	 83	 percent	 of	 brand	 marketers	 view
social	 sharing	 as	 the	 primary	 benefit	 of	 social	 media5	 because	 70	 percent	 of
consumers	say	they	are	more	likely	to	make	a	purchase	based	on	a	friend’s	social
media	updates.

   That’s	a	powerful	number,	which	is	why	it’s	somewhat	mystifying	that	nearly
all	 the	 marketing	 industry	 dialogue	 has	 focused	 on	 creating	 more	 content,
creating	 content	 more	 efficiently,	 automating	 content,	 and	 finding	 ways	 to
measure	 content.	 But	 as	 the	 eMarketer	 study	 shows,	 brand	 power	 isn’t	 coming
through	content.	It’s	coming	from	content	transmitted	by	our	trusted	friends.

   Content	 marketing	 may	 start	 with	 writing,	 but	 the	 money	 is	 made	 by

   And	 that’s	 where	 the	 conversation	 needs	 to	 be	 now.	 The	 most	 breathtaking
content	that	remains	undiscovered	on	a	website	has	no	more	value	to	a	business
than	 a	 manuscript	 for	 a	 sensational	 novel	 that	 is	 locked	 away	 from	 sight	 in	 a
dark,	cold	vault.

                    Why	content	isn’t	king

Here’s	something	that	is	obvious	to	any	person	trying	to	carve	a	successful	path
in	marketing	today:	Content	marketing	has	little	to	do	with	content	anymore.

   Allow	me	to	tell	a	funny	story	about	how	this	revelation	dawned	on	me.
   My	 early	 days	 as	 a	 blogger	 were	 fraught	 with	 frustration.	 I	 believed	 my
content	 was	 as	 good	 as	 anybody	 else’s,	 but	 it	 wasn’t	 attracting	 any	 reader
engagement,	 let	 alone	 business	 opportunities.	 Mine	 was	 a	 quiet,	 lonely	 little
corner	of	the	web.
   I	 was	 following	 the	 Big	 Blogger	 Best	 Practices	 by	 publishing	 consistently,
connecting	 with	 others	 to	 form	 a	 community,	 and	 writing	 posts	 that	 were
thought-provoking	and	original.	Yet,	my	content	languished.
   In	 my	 blog’s	 second	 year,	 I	 was	 beginning	 to	 find	 my	 voice.	 I	 confidently
wrote	original	posts	on	influence	marketing,	electrifying	digital	trends,	and	new
marketing	insights.	And	still,	my	ideas	were	met	with	stone-cold	silence.
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