Page 98 - The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business -
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thought	 leaders,	 sliced	 and	 diced	 by	 many	 detailed	 variables.	 These	 services
aren’t	 inexpensive,	 but	 they	 can	 save	 you	 months	 of	 work.	 If	 influencer
connections	 are	 key	 to	 your	 success,	 software	 like	 this	 might	 be	 the	 edge	 you
need	to	get	up	to	speed	quickly	and	develop	a	competitive	advantage.

   While	reading	this	chapter,	it	may	have	occurred	to	you	that	it	could	be	fun	to
be	on	the	other	side	of	the	relationship	and	become	an	influencer	yourself.	Well,
then.	 You’re	 going	 to	 love	 the	 next	 chapter	 in	 our	 content	 ignition	 adventure!
Have	you	thought	about	becoming	a	Heroic	Brand?
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