Page 261 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 261

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


That was a close one.

Day 23: Alright. Big day today. I’ve just started getting my
first few subscribers, and even a few personal emails asking
me some questions about their back pain. I take the time to
reply to not only the personal emails, but I also write to
each and every person that subscribed to my newsletter,
personally thanking them for subscribing and offering any
help or advice that they needed.

In each letter, I would make sure that I subtly referred to
my new eBook on ‘Back Pain’.

I wouldn’t add the order link, because I want to seem more
of a friend than a “business person”. This way, the people
that already need my book would be so bowled over with my
personal conduct and genuine desire to help, that I would
instantly be perceived as an authority that could help them a
great deal.

I let the follow-ups do the actual “selling” for me.

Day 24: WOW! Because of my hard work and dedication to
my chosen market, I just awoke to find that I got 14 sales
for my book overnight!

That’s $378.00 that I didn’t have before!!


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