Page 264 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 264

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


First, I need to contact the webmasters via email (or phone)
and give them an offer they can’t possibly refuse. I’ll tell
them I will pay them $16.20 per sale (60%) PLUS give them
a free mention in my newsletter just for letting their
subscribers or customers know about my new FREE
resource. Whenever someone subscribes to my newsletter
and purchases my eBook, I would send them $16.20 of my
$27.00 per sale.

This may sound ludicrous to you, but I assure you, this is all
extra money that I would NOT have had before, and I don’t
even have to pay one red cent for any of it, so everyone

Next, I would contact those ‘answer guys’ from the forums
and tell them that I will give them my book absolutely free,
if they would just jot down a quick testimonial or
endorsement for it, once they’ve read it.

I’ll use these endorsements to place just below my order
links, to give me and my eBook extra credibility…

Day 26: Since I contacted every single webmaster I could
get a hold of yesterday, I have gotten about 12 replies. 8 of
which, actually accepted my offer, and have agreed to send
a mailing to their customer / subscriber base tomorrow!! I
also received two emails from the FREE Press Release
Services saying that they have accepted my Press Release


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