Page 267 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 267

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


more than one article to the same newsletter, because I
want the readers to only ‘get a taste’ of what MY newsletter
has to offer.

Day 29: Sales are literally pouring in, and the great news is
that less than 30% of them are from my JV partners… this
means that my press release is flooding my mailing list with
hot, targeted subscribers who are looking for a solution to
their ‘back pain’ problems. I have been able to generate
over $2,675 in SALES from my new ‘email marketing-only’
business, and that’s AFTER I pay off my JV partners…

Ya’ know, I think I’m going to be just fine after all… ;-)

Day 30: The bills are PAID, the money is rolling in, my
articles are on their way to making me a famous authority
on back pain, and my mailing list is continuously being jam
packed with HOT subscribers looking for a solution to their
back pain.

Life is GOOD again.☺

Now, all I need to do is repeat the process all over again
with different target markets, and I’ll be retired in just a few
years. NO KIDDIN!

You may think that this was a hypothetical situation and
would never work in the “real world” but I am a living
testimony to the power of this method. Using a slightly


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