Page 272 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 272

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Answer: By Jeff Mulligan


As I began this project, a variety of ideas ran through my
head about the best way to create an income stream within
thirty days with a very limited budget. Should I write about
an affiliate program? What about something unconventional
like setting up email marketing systems for local businesses?
Or finding under-marketed properties and setting up a deal
with them to improve their internet strategies?

Then I realized that I had already created an income stream
within 30 days. (I had to go to my ClickBank to make sure.)
And although my budget was larger, I could have done
everything I did in this article virtually for free.

This 30 day outline will be more of a diary about what I did
than a theoretical idea about what you could do. I will,
however, make changes based on what I learned and the
mistakes I made, so you don’t have to make them. Knowing
what I know now, I can create more of an income in less
time and the next one should be easier.

I would also like to answer a question that you may have in
the back of your mind. I know I often have this question
when I read someone else’s tips and advice. Why are they
telling me this? Aren’t they afraid someone will steal their


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