Page 276 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 276

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


product. But I couldn’t see anywhere on the site whether
there was an affiliate program.

So I did something that is somewhat unconventional: I
picked up the phone and called the owner.

We chatted for a while about his book, and I became more
convinced that it was an excellent product. I asked about an
affiliate program. “Nope. I just don’t want to get involved in
all that,” said the owner.

That’s when I had a brainstorm. I asked, “How about if I
give you some money and you let me use and rewrite the
content and sell it on my own site?”

After some negotiations, we agreed on a price and payment
terms. And I arranged to acquire the content.

Now while the amount I paid was more than the budget for
this project, every situation will be different. You could
follow this same type of strategy in virtually any market.
You can always negotiate payments and terms. If you are
reasonably certain you can make money with the product,
buying rights is a great investment. You could also use this
same strategy by creating an affiliate program or a joint
venture with the author.

Day 3 – More Research


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