Page 274 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 274

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


mentioned creating a product that revolves around an
interest or hobby or area of expertise that you have.

One of my hobbies is sports cars. I have always loved them,
and I do a lot of reading and research online about cars. I
had noticed the incredible variety and amount of web sites
and forums devoted to virtually every make and model of
sports cars ever made.

I had also recently received a speeding ticket.

On Day 1, after thinking about this for quite a while, I got
the idea for my product. I would market a book on how to
fight speeding tickets.

Energized by the idea, I do a quick Google search on
“speeding ticket” to gauge the market. There are over
115,000 results. The top several pages are full of speeding
ticket books, and there are several pay per click ads for
speeding ticket books, schools and lawyers.

I overcome my first negative reaction on seeing so much
competition when I remember the advice I had read about
the subject. Look for a market where there is some
competition because it proves people will spend money for
that type of product. There are several people spending
money on advertising. This is a good sign of a healthy

Day 2 – Research


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