Page 275 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 275
30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
by Joe Kumar
More research is needed. What is the competition really like?
What is the market like?
I spend the entire day reading web sites and researching
I soon realize that while there are a lot of sites selling
speeding ticket eBooks, most of them are not very good at
all. My reading has taught me many of the things a good
sales page needs. Luckily, it seems most of my competitors
have not done as much study in this area as I have.
(This is a great reason not to try to compete in the Internet
Marketing Niche.)
Now, I just need a product.
Day 3 – Find a Product
I have three choices: find a product with a good affiliate
program, find one that I can get rights to, or write one of
my own.
Of all the sites I had read yesterday, one really stood out.
This book advocated a different strategy for fighting tickets
than every other site I had read. What’s more, the strategy
made a lot of sense to me.
The web site was quite unconventional, and I thought I
could create a site that would more effectively market the
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