Page 270 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
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30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Following the sale of this company in 2002, Jeff left the
corporate world to work at home and pursue the dream of
the “Internet Lifestyle”. He created his first InfoProduct web
site,, in the fall of 2002.

As that site began producing steady income, Jeff began
searching for another income stream. He found it on eBay,
where a programmer was auctioning off a ClickBank
storefront he had created.

Recognizing the power of this unique and novel idea, Jeff
bought the site, renamed it, and began to work
full-time on improving the marketing systems and
automation behind the mall. The goal: To create a super-
automated affiliate site that could generate autopilot income
streams for both novice and expert marketers.

Jeff added a ClickBank search engine, the first of its kind,
which generated commissions on all the results it provided
to an affiliate’s shoppers.

In an effort to dramatically improve the effectiveness of the
site for its affiliates, Jeff created newsletters and eCourses
which were personalized with the links of the affiliates who
introduced the subscribers. In effect, each owner gets their
own pre-written autoresponders and eCourses which are
constantly selling and following up for them. For example,


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