Page 266 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 266

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


my personal comments in each issue, and I am beginning to
gain their trust from all the testimonials. This, of course,
means more sales for me AND my new JV partners. I won’t
make as much from these “tagged” subscribers from my JV
partners, but it’s a heck of a lot more money than I would’ve

Day 28: Unbelievable! Since my new JV partners’ mailing, I
have made over 35 sales OVERNIGHT! Before my JV
partners’ percentage cut, I generated $1,539 in sales! –
AFTER my JV partners’ percentage cut (plus adding what
I’ve already generated), I’ll still have $972.00 TOTAL that I
can use to take care of most of my bills!!

Ok, ok. It’s time to calm down a bit and make MORE sales!

I finally want the entire world to know who I am.

I’m going to launch a FULL-SCALE attack on the internet, by
taking each article from my follow-up sequence, and
submitting them to every single targeted newsletter that I
can find. To do this, I’m going to use my good ole’ friend once again.

I would refer back to "free newsletter directory" which would
yield more than enough targeted newsletters (within the
directories) to submit my articles to. The only thing I will
add to the articles is a sig. line that will advertise my FREE
Newsletter…NOT my eBook. I would definitely not submit


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