Page 263 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 263

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


mention that I have a new, incredible, FREE resource that
can show anyone how to get rid of their back pain. This of
course will direct them to my Newsletter.

I only have a few days left to ensure my success with this
business, and so I’m gonna need to crunch some time and
double-up on my project-per-day method.

I send out my polished press release to the following free
distribution services:

Every one of these free services accept any industry, so with
my killer press release, I know that this will be bringing me
A LOT of subscribers.

Ok, time to rest now…

Day 25: It’s time for Joint Ventures!!

Now, I’m gonna call up all those potential competitors’ web
sites, as well as the contact info I collected from the forums
and newsgroups for the people that were answering the


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