Page 278 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 278

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Day 5 through Day 11 – The BrainStorm

As I began working on the editing, I had a brainstorm. This
single idea has been responsible for the success of the site.
My strategy to market the book had always been two-
pronged. I would use my knowledge of the car forums to
publicize the book. I would also use pay per click advertising
to generate targeted traffic.

On Day 5, I had a brainstorm. Maybe it should have been
obvious, but something I read made it sink in. I would
create a free eBook to give away and promote the paid
version. My free eBook would focus on “How to Avoid
Speeding Tickets”. Everyone wants that info!

I decided that the give-away would help people avoid them,
and the paid version would help people fight them in court.

Of course, the bad part about this was now I had to write
another ebook. Well, I always knew this would be the hard

Now a lot of people advocate giving away a free ebook in the
internet marketing niche. But in the niche I was in, many
people had never heard of eBooks before, or had never
downloaded one. Even the webmasters were fairly ignorant.

Would you believe only two asked me if they could brand it?
Of course, I didn’t really want to do that because what I was
really after was the links to my site.


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