Page 284 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 284

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


The webmasters got a $30.00 book for free, and they
provided a link to a valuable resource for their readers.

Their readers got a free download on how to avoid speeding
tickets: a subject near and dear to their hearts.

And I received incoming links to

The process was laborious. Starting from the directory I
would click on each web site, find the webmaster, and send
him an e-mail a outlining my offer. I requested that once
they installed the link, they reply by e-mail and tell me
where the link was. Then I would send them a link to the
paid the book which they could now get for free. Of course, I
had to actually manually check each link to be sure the
webmaster actually created one.

I spent two entire days doing nothing but surfing, cutting
and pasting. I only hoped my strategy would pay off.
Especially since I was absolutely invisible on Google at this

Day 18 – Search Engine Promotion

During my research, I had learned many experts
recommended not submitting a site to Google. They
suggested that a site will rank higher if you allow Google to
find it on its own.


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