Page 287 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 287

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


However, I had done significant research and I knew what
program I wanted to use.

I knew for sure that I wanted to automate as much as I
possibly could. I had read enough to know that people who
don’t automate early risk drowning in a sea of emails,
removal requests and data moving.

I wanted a product that would act as a customer and
prospect database, automate subscriptions and removals,
and handle autoresponder duties.

My research had led me to software that was recommended
by Terry Dean. The company is Online Automation, and they
have two versions of the product. One is hosted on their site
and one runs on your own computer. Importantly, they will
give me a thirty day trial download. That saves the cash.

I opted for Postmaster Express, which runs on my PC.

The online version has the same functionality and you can
get more information at:

I spent all day learning how to use my new software. There
was a lot to learn. But I was thrilled with the functionality
and now, six months later, the same software is running two
businesses, managing thirteen autoresponders, and sending
out several thousand emails per night.


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