Page 288 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 288

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Day 22 – Writing the Autoresponder Messages

Since a large part of my strategy was to use the free the
book give-away to drive traffic to the site, I knew that I
wanted to capture my prospect’s email addresses and follow
up with them.

I took excerpts from my book and from the research I did
and created a 7-day follow-up series I mail every 7th day.
The idea is to remind my free downloaders how important it
is to fight a ticket.

Naturally, if they are going to fight, I’m hoping they will buy
my book.

I don’t need to buy anything extra because the PostMaster
Express software provides unlimited autoresponders. (And
luckily, I’ll be getting my first ClickBank check before my
trial is up.)

Day 23 – Setting up Remove form and KaChing!

Another day, another sale. I start thinking, maybe this really
WILL work.

I realize that I can’t send out any emails without making it
easy for people to remove themselves from my list.

PostMaster has this capability. I just have to figure out how
to use it.


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