Page 290 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 290

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


I got an email from a guy who owned a site that sold radar
detectors. He had seen my book and wondered if I had an
affiliate program. I realized this was an even better target
than auto forums.


The people browsing this type of site had very likely just
gotten a ticket. In many cases, the ticket pushed them over
the edge and made them decide to buy a detector.

So if they already have a ticket, they are a great prospect
for my book.

I search Google for “radar detectors” and find a lot of them.

I construct an email inviting them to join my affiliate
program. It explains the logic of partnering with my site.
They will make 50% commission – far better than the
margins they are used to with hardware like radar detectors.

This is another semi-boring day of going to web sites and
entering the contact email address and web site into
PostMaster’s database.

Once I am done, PostMaster will send out all the emails.

Day 26 – Took the day off


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