Page 434 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 434

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Answer: By Michael T. Glaspie

Day 1 - Begin on a Monday!
I would:

   • Arise early, enjoy a fruit and juice breakfast - this
       would be a daily regime six days a week. This light but
       healthful meal is energizing and with no carbs I
       wouldn't feel sluggish. Lunch; salad and vegetables for
       the same reason - energy and a sharp mind are central
       to the mission at hand. At dinnertime I could enjoy my

   • Forget the past. It's ancient history. Who I was
       yesterday is not the man I am today.

   • Ignore at all costs interruptions, phone, email, visitors
       and any temptation to prevent me from my mission.

   • Buy, borrow or get at the library "Don't Sweat The
       Small Stuff About Money." by Richard Carlson, Ph.D.
       ISBN 0-7868-8637-4 $11.95 US

   • Read his messages to learn not to read. Embrace his
       thoughts and make them my own. I would spend this
       entire first day studying, thinking, learning, reflecting,
       and adopting a new mindset.

   • Retire early with confidence that I will attain all my
       goals. No TV, no news, just my thoughts on what I
       have learned.


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