Page 439 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 439

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


I would
   • Begin with my usual routine, but now add "read out
       loud to myself" my goals to accomplish - this is now
       part of my daily routine.
   • Get started building my own business. A site needs to
       be built and a URL needs to be selected and registered.
       If I had NO site building skills I would ask my address
       book friends who would like to be a partner for a small
       percentage in exchange for building and maintaining
       the site. If I was broke, I would even ask them to pay
       the registry fee, but in my name.
   • Personally work on laying out the copy for the site. I'll
       know how based on my study of top sites and my
       reading and listening to the CD so far.
   • Whatever the product, service, or program I selected
       as my own, it would have at least a two-level affiliate
       program so as to offer at least 40% of net sales (after
       fulfillment costs) to the affiliates who make it happen.
   • Review and and Select a program that
       works for my site and budget so as to be able to track
       and pay my two levels of affiliates.
   • If no luck with help setting up a site from existing
       contacts, go online. Find chat forums with webmasters
       and there will be many eager partners. Just explain
       your concept and the offer - I only need one yes.


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