Page 441 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 441

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


   • Build these tools for the 'marketing tools' page (for
       affiliates to use) at my site or give copy to my
       webmaster to build.

   • Go online and subscribe for to all the free 'marketing'
       ezines available, a big project, but with a bigger

   • Also, go online and search for all ezines covering the
       topic of the "theme" of my chosen business and

   • Reply to all email - and include info on the affiliate
       programs joined. Do personally, not with an

   • Retire early with confidence.

Day 9
By now the morning routine is a habit

   • Research all websites using similar keywords and
       phrases I selected for my site.

   • Visit all these sites - check to make certain that they
       are reaching the same audience I plan to reach, but do
       not sell the same product as I sell. (This project could
       take 2-3 full days) - Make a list of all these URL's and
       print their home page.

   • Go to
       and and look up the site
       owners. Get among other things their names, their


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