Page 443 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 443

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


       so. Explain when the site will be ready and they will be
       among the first to announce it. With the first yes…
   • Write the article that will appear in ezines, describing in
       enthusiastic detail why the market needs my product,
       service or opportunity. The article needs to describe the
       problems in the marketplace and how my program
       resolves these issues.

Day 12
   • Continue with webmaster and ezine publisher research
       and first contact.
   • Study all - even junk - mail I get for possible partners.
       Do URL lookup as before and make first contact. This
       will be a new daily routine.
   • Go to Post an ad free,
       explaining my program briefly - all new, etc. - high
       sales returns, and ask for response from companies
       willing to do a cpa (cost per action) opt-in email
       marketing. Study this site, learn about opt-in email
       marketing and prepare the ad carefully.
   • I already have the sales letter written. It's time to do
       this. With a good ad and commission offer I will get
       almost immediate replies - call them on the phone and
       do these deals.


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