Page 444 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 444

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Day 13
   • Continue to develop jv (joint venture) partnerships with
       site owners and ezine publishers. Don’t forget the
       affiliate programs joined.
   • Tend to all business details - replying to email, website
       details, etc. This now becomes a daily routine.

Day 14 - Sunday
This is a day of rest. A break from it all. Morning routine is
optional -

   • Worship, exercise, think, and reflect. Get out of the self
       imposed bindings of business life. See friends, family,
       talk to people. But do not share goals or any aspect of
       them with ANYONE - these are private and for good
       reasons. This is a day off; it's vital to get away from it
       all. This now becomes an every Sunday routine.

Day 15
The site is ready to launch! Put online (if not done so by

   • Make second contact with all jv partners waiting for the
       live site. First by email, if no reply within 24 hours then
       by phone. Know that this growing list of jv partners is
       my key to success. They can put my site on the map.


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