Page 442 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 442

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


       email addresses and phone numbers. Print out this
       "who is" data.
   • Only after this is done, begin the process of contacting
       these people. First by email explaining 'briefly' what
       your site will offer, that it is not competing in any way,
       and that when completed I will build an 'enormous'
       database that I can use to endorse their program,
       product or service too. Ask if they would mind if I
       contact them again when it's done to discuss a joint
       venture, where we cross promote for each other. Do
       this regardless of the size of the business. Go after
       large, medium and small! All complimentary but not
       competing sites.
   • Retire early with confidence.

Day 10
   • Get the site up, if out of my control continue with
       completing website work and first contact with owners
       of all complimentary sites. This day is full and focused
       on just these two issues.

Day 11
   • Contact all ezine publishers I have subscribed to and
       with enthusiasm explain my new site and all the
       potential partners I have who will cross promote it with
       me. Ask if they would do a brief article in their ezine
       about it. And offer a 'comp' affiliate position for doing


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