Page 437 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 437

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


   • What are the steps I must accomplish 'daily' to reach
       these goals

   This is a daunting task, but I know it must be done. But
   with what I have now learned it's much clearer to me
   now. I will accomplish this by noon today.
   • After a healthful lunch, clean up all unanswered email,

       return unanswered phone calls, allow a max of two
       hours for this.
   • Time to decide what I will build. I would consider
       concepts (among many others including ideas from Day
       3 Alexa research) such as

           • Writing and publishing a free weekly ezine -
               offering only the newest and best money making
               programs, and call it 'First Alert'

           • Becoming an opt-in email broker. There are
               dozens of professional companies willing to train
               aggressive independent reps how to sell opt-in
               email services. This is a huge growth industry.

           • Starting my own downline club, building up its
               data base, then researching the best mlm
               programs to offer them.

   • Pay no attention to any perceived shortcomings I have,
       my technical weakness or other hindrances. When
       considering what my "core" business will be this is
       vital! As I know there are ways to get all the help I
       need to achieve my goals - my mission today is only to


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