Page 436 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 436

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


   • If I had no initial thoughts I would go online now
       (ignoring any stacked up email) and look at the most
       frequented sites at Alexa. This exercise is for the sole
       purpose of gathering ideas about internet "trends" -
       where is the traffic heading and why. What do these
       sites look like. What are they offering, how are they
       positioning the offer. Print the home page of sites that
       have outstanding sales copy - for my swipe file - set up
       a swipe file for sales letters and sites with outstanding,
       compelling sales copy. This will become my idea center
       for preparing future sales copy for my site and
       marketing efforts.

Day 4: The most important of all.
I would

   • begin with my now usual morning routine. Up early,
       healthful breakfast.

   • Avoid all outside interruptions - at all costs.
   • Write my goals:
   • Short term 'the next 26 days'
   • How much money I must make
   • Long term '1 year'
   • Long term '5 years - 10 years'
   • What kind of person I will become
   • My mission statement "For what purpose do I exist"


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