Page 440 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 440

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


   • No matter what, today construction of the site will

   • Retire early with confidence and thoughts of how it will
       all come together.

Day 7 - a Sunday
This is a day of rest. A break from it all. Morning routine is
optional -

   • Worship, exercise, think, reflect. Get out of the self
       imposed bindings of business life. See friends, family,
       talk to people. But do not share goals or any aspect of
       them with ANYONE - these are private and for good
       reasons. This is a day off; it's vital to get away from it

Day 8
   • Usual morning routine, now includes reading 'out loud'
       to myself my goals.
   • Continue with all efforts to get site built.
   • Write all the copy needed for the site
   • Sales letters for emailing (text & html)
   • Text link copy - for affiliates to post and for jv deals
   • Banner ads
   • Select key words for search engines


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