Page 513 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 513

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


advertisements for list owners who are not adept at writing
their own recommendations.

Within a few days of sending out the first JV letters, we can
see the first few sales coming in. We can make several
hundred to several thousand dollars by the end of the
month, depending on how fast list owners start doing their
promotions. Affiliates/JV partners will also receive periodic
mailings from me to encourage continued promotions.

While the list owners go about their business of selling the
book, I'll work to develop a back-end system. Initially I'll use
pitch complimentary affiliate products to customers.
Meanwhile, I'll start developing more related products, so
that current and future customers will have an entire
product line to purchase. Every time I create a product, I'll
alert my JV partners and send complimentary copies.
Affiliates will receive an email alert to inform them of how to
promote the new product.

After the first month: In the following months, I'll refine the
system. Customers will be put into an autoresponder
sequence when they make a purchase (the sequence pitches
related products and upsells). Advertisements, the sales
letter, and other copy will be tested and tweaked for
maximum results. I'll work to expand my influence by
optimizing for the search engines, writing and submitting
articles to ezines, etc.


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