Page 508 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 508

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


After researching, start building the site. For our purposes,
let's suppose it is a discount cigarette site.

Day 4: Check on the current eBay report auctions. If one
particular ad is working well, tweak if need be and load more
reports up on auction.

Day 5: End of report auction: let's say we sold 10 reports at
$27 = $270. As per the auction description, all payments
must be made within three days via Paypal (so that I have
instant access to cash). In most cases, many people will pay
immediately. Very few will wait until the deadline.

Next step: buy a domain name at (8.95) and
one month hosting (about $10). Total = $18.95. Get the site
hosted, domain online so it can propagate.

Next: Finish the discount cigarette website. Wait to put on
auction until the domain name propagates.

Day 6. More eBay research to find another sort of website to
build. ("turnkey" businesses). Start building it (let's suppose
it's a financial portal). Buy domain and hosting immediately
so it can propagate.

Day 7. Load cigarette website auction, list as three day
auction (with strict payment terms). Continue working on
the financial portal.

Day 8. Finish up financial portal website and load on auction
(3 days).


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