Page 509 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 509

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Writing reports and building websites and selling them on
Ebay can be repeated as often as necessary to bring in cash
quickly. At this point I have two website templates. I'll buy
different domain names, change the graphics slightly, and
put them up again. So two more sites go up today ( 3 day

While these sites are auctioning off, it's time to turn my
attention to a more long-range plan so I can have money in
the months to come. Call me lazy, but constantly searching
the trends and building sites gets tiring after a while. It's
sort of like a basketball game when there are three seconds
left, a tied score and a timeout is called. The team with the
ball makes a grand plan to sink a basket before time's up.
Now if the teams played the entire game in this
"emergency," high adrenaline mode, they would be
completely exhausted just 10 minutes into the game!

Likewise, I'm not into churning out site after site to sell on
eBay in this manner.

Even though at this point I am using templates and putting
them up on eBay, the trends change very quickly. That
means that possibly in one week no one will be buying the
sites I am offering any more...and the whole
research/build/sell eBay cycle would start again.

This may be a very viable business for some people. It's not
my cup of tea. I consider it a quick fix to a temporary


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