Page 512 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 512

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


(If you need help with the sales letter, there are products
you can buy such as Yanik's Instant Sales Letters or Marlon
Sander's Push Button Sales Letters.)

Days 18-20: The book, site, and sales letter are finished.
The book contains affiliate links to provide residual income.
The website is two pages: a sales letter, and a page for
affiliate sign ups. A newsletter subscription box pops up on
exit of the site if the visitor does not buy the book.

Since we have cash on hand from the eBay sales, we can
spend $49.99 to set up a Clickbank merchant account.
Clickbank allows us to start an affiliate program as well.

These couple of days are spent doing the following: finding
complimentary poker/gambling websites, creating a list of
site/list owners, and writing a JV proposal. I'll let the owners
know upfront what's in it for them--they'll get 50% of the
commission on the book in exchange for recommending it to
their list.

Note: finding affiliates and finding customers takes the same
amount of work. Thus it is much more productive to search
for affiliates, since each of the good affiliates will find several

Days 21-30: The rest of the month is spent sending letters
out to list owners to propose a JV. All list owners get a
complimentary copy of the book so they can read it and fully
recommend it to their list. In addition, I'll write up some


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