Page 533 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 533

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


   2) Write articles and submit them to the article
       submission sites to discreetly promote my products and
       generate subscribers.

   3) Continue posting on forums looking for new ideas and
       indirectly promoting my products.

   4) Purchase ezine advertising using the Directory Of
       Ezines site.

   5) Form joint ventures using the strategies presented in
       Terry Dean’s products.

   6) Attend Internet marketing seminars to network, form
       relationships and possible JV deals.

   7) Keep a copy of the cheat sheet from my ebook Costly
       Online Blunders close by so I can make sure I avoid the
       mistakes made by others.

   8) Buy a copy of Stephen Pierces’ ebook The Whole Truth
       and read it several times for the great info it contains.

This solution is proposed to minimize expenses, and
generate some quick cash. Hopefully none of us has
to experience the pain of losing our business,
reputation, and money. If we do, there are plenty of
examples of people who have rebuilt their businesses
and become even more successful.


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