Page 532 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 532

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


When the product launches, I’ll contact those who took my
original survey and see if they are interested in purchasing
the product using my affiliate id. I’ll also continue posting
messages in the various forums using my affiliate id for this
product in my signature info. More potential affiliate
commission revenue for me!

Day 17/18 – The Deal is Done! I have successfully
pitched, negotiated, and sold an idea and I’m waiting for my
payment. Depending on how much I make, I’ll pay some of
the bills that have been piling up and/or I’ll reinvest the
proceeds into additional efforts to find and build more

I may decide to sell another product idea or I may develop
the idea myself and keep the profits!

Day 19 and Beyond. Since I still have my product idea
information from the past few weeks, I’ll review what I
found and see what other potential products I can develop.

As I develop and promote my products, I’ll do the following:

   1) Develop my own opt-in list using techniques described
       in Joel Christopher’s MasterListBuilder product.


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