Page 528 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 528

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


I need to be prepared for rejection. It won’t be personal.
Many people are working on their own projects and may not
have time for me. I may have to schedule phone calls later,
when people have more time to talk. I also need to be
prepared to email my pitch, if requested.

Day 11/12 – Initial Responses. By now I should have a
real sense if there is any interest in my product ideas by the
responses I get from the potential buyers. I may want to
tweak my pitch, describe additional benefits, etc. I may also
need to refine my list of potential buyers.

If a potential buyer rejects my offer, I will ask them if they
may know of someone else that might be interested in the
idea. I’ll ask if I can use their name to help open the door
with the referral.

Day 13/15 – I Have Several People Who are
Interested. Now I start the negotiations. I have to
convince the potential buyer of the “perceived value” of the
product idea. If I’ve done my homework properly, this
should not be a difficult task as I’ll refer to the survey
results and forum comments. If the survey results are
questioned, I can offer to submit the survey to the potential
buyers list.


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